A public library has been given permission to install new heating ventilation and air conditioning systems.

Maidenhead Public Library on St Ives Road has received consent to carry out the work to replace their existing system – which is said to be “at its end of life”.

The library’s Grade II listed status was a key point of contention in the decision.

However, it was argued that the advantages in allowing the plans to go ahead would outweigh this.

The officers’ report reads: “The proposals would result in less than substantial harm to the designated heritage asset and its immediate setting.

“The harm to the significance of the designated heritage asset is outweighed by the public benefit identified, namely the continued use of a popular and well used public facility.

“Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that the works would not result in unacceptable harm to living conditions or flooding in the surrounding area and therefore complies with relevant development plan policies.”

It was discussed by the Maidenhead Development Management Committee in December.

To find out more about this planning application, visit the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead’s planning portal with the reference 23/00463/FULL.