Slough Borough Council is helping young people in the area through their initiative 'Youth Voice,' which supports adolescents in the community.

It comes as a part of Slough Young People’s Service, which offers a wide range of opportunities for young people to get involved in influencing local services and decisions in the town.

'Youth Voice' invites the young people of Slough's community to join the initiative so they can be a part of active change. 

As a Young Commissioner, they will join a group of other young people and work alongside Slough Borough Council.

They will help decide how to best spend money to make a difference to the lives of young people in Slough.

'Youth Voice' believes that young people need to heard, and valued. To strive for this, the initiative offers programs to build leadership, advocacy & activism skills.

One such program is becoming a member of Youth Parliament.

As a member, they will have the opportunity to represent the views of young people within Slough and influence key decisions.

Any young person aged between 11 and 19, living in Slough can nominate themselves to stand as a candidate for elections in their school/academy or college.