FRESH plans to demolish a caretaker’s home for new flats at Langley Grammar School have been submitted.

Developer Excellare Ltd has taken another stab at redeveloping the vacant dwelling and garage, which has been empty for five years, at the school in Reddington Drive into 14 apartments.

The three-storey block includes one three-bed, five two-bed, and eight one-bedrooms, and 20 car parking spaces.

A previous scheme for 13 flats with 14 car parking spaces was rejected by councillors sitting on the planning committee in May.

READ MORE: 13 flats plan by Langley Grammar School shelved

Councillors, residents, and planning officers shared the view it would dominate the street scene, natural sunlight would be lost, no appropriate level of balcony space, lack of parking, and insufficient information on drainage and its impact on biodiversity.

A lack of family housing was another reason for refusal.

Langley Grammar School was granted permission to dispose of the caretaker’s home and unused land to facilitate the development.

It states the proposed development will raise the necessary funds to pay back the Department for Education that supplied money to the school to build a dance studio, which is already in use and will be used by the community in the future.

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The money will also be used to further improve the school’s facilities, such as sports and play.

The developer said it has gone back to the drawing room and has re-designed the apartment block by adding a wheelchair-accessible three-bedroom flat, a pitched roof, and setting it back from the road.

The plans have also increased car parking spaces and introduced new balconies and a communal garden area.

Slough planning officers are yet to determine the application.