A FOOD bank has said it is “fully expecting” to see a huge increase in the number of referrals as the cost of living hikes up.

Energy regulator Ofgem has announced the new energy bill price cap will rise by 54 per cent from April 1.

Slough Foodbank, which provides non-perishable foods for those in need, has already seen a nine per cent increase in the number of food parcels provided in the first two months of this year, compared to last year.

And the number of food parcels distributed by Slough Foodbank has doubled in the last two years, recent figures have shown.

READ MORE: Slough Foodbank food parcel figures doubled in last two years

Slough Foodbank communications officer, Becks Ford, said: “We have been having to deal with increasing numbers ever since we started.

“It's a sad reality of the huge need in the Slough area.

“We are heavily dependent on our volunteers who do a fantastic job for us.”

Becks added there has been a drop in volunteers as we ease out of the pandemic, so it is always looking for more people to offer their time to help.

Slough Foodbank is particularly looking for drivers.

Becks explained: “Provision of food parcels is absolutely dependent on the donation of food and basic toiletries from our wonderful community.”

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The food bank also publishes a wish list of shopping needs and this changes regularly.

And currently, it needs items including long-life fruit juice, tinned fruit and tinned vegetables.

Operating six days a week, Slough Foodbank has five distribution centres in Slough town centre, Langley, Cippenham, Iver and Britwell.

Visit Slough Foodbank to find out more.