PROTESTERS once again braved the cold night as they gathered for a second time to oppose the “monstrous” plans to develop Maidenhead golf course.

Over 100 people voiced strong objections outside the town hall on Tuesday, December 14, to the building of over 2,000 homes at the 132-acre green space site as part of the borough local plan (BLP)

Councillors are yet to vote on the BLP 2013-2033, which sets out where thousands of homes will be built. It is expected to be debated at full council early in the New Year after extraordinary meetings were cancelled as there was not sufficient “lead-time” to go through the external review of the local plan.

Campaigners from Maidenhead Great Park, residents, children and their parents, local businesses, and councillors from the Liberal Democrats and Independents voiced their distaste of making the golf course into a “monstrous” concrete jungle.

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Councillors, campaigners, young people, and children talked about the impacts climate change will have on the world and how keeping the golf course, or making it into a great park, will help mitigate those effects as well as air pollution. Songs were also sung, urging the council to take the local plan back to the drawing board.

Maidenhead Great Park campaigner Debbie Ludford said: “If it stays green, over time we can make even better use of the space. We can plant more trees and wildflowers, we can create ponds for wildlife and water storage, we can work with the golf club to share the space and maybe one day it will be a park for everyone with wellbeing and education activities there, a community centre, garden, walking trails, etc.

“I don’t know exactly what our community will choose for this space for the long-term, but what I do know is that this space will become more and more important for all of us if it stays green.


More protests are planned to continue the calls for councillors to reject the BLP

More protests are planned to continue the calls for councillors to reject the BLP

Independent Cllr Geoff Hill (left) and Lib Dem Cllr Gurch Singh

Independent Cllr Geoff Hill (left) and Lib Dem Cllr Gurch Singh


“If it is developed, it will have the opposite effect. We will have more air pollution, less wildlife, more flooding, and no chance of ever getting this precious natural resource back.

“I really believe that if we stand together, we can get this insane plan to ruin our environment here in Maidenhead stopped.”

John Hudson, former chairman of the Berkshire branch of the Campaign to Protect Rural England, said there is no need to develop on the golf course as the 12,691 housing need in the borough, which was calculated in 2012, has halved and a majority of these homes have been built or granted planning permission.

He said: “The SS RBWM Titanic is heading for that big iceberg lurking in the fog, the 2023 local elections.

“In the event of the BLP being approved, including the development of the Maidenhead golf course, the RBWM Titanic will crash head-on into that iceberg – and we all know what happened to the Titanic.”

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Councillor David Coppinger (Con: Bray), lead member for planning and Maidenhead, has previously said the golf course is “the most sustainable site” within the borough and the council would have to release green belt in the countryside if they scrapped the 132-acre site.

He also said it was “totally incorrect” to say the future housing project has halved as the BLP’s inspector “challenged” the borough’s housing need and found it “sound”.

Campaigners have said more protests are due to be scheduled to voice their opposition to the BLP.