A dedicated volunteer who helped set up a new organisation to help the people of Slough as lockdown hit the country has been recognised with a major award.

Jamie Green, 52, lives in Keel Drive, Slough in the house where he was born.

The Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce presented him with its Slough Volunteer Hero Award at a virtual ceremony.

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Jamie has devoted his life to the town - as chairman of Slough Council for Voluntary Service and YES (Youth Engagement Slough) among other responsibilities.

But the arrival of Coronavirus and ensuing lockdown provided a new challenge.

Jamie teamed up with Slough Borough Council officer Ramesh Kukar and his SCVS colleague Ketan Gandhi to co-found #OneSlough.

The aim was simple - to work with the many organisations in the town to provide the help people hit by lockdown needed.

He said: "Slough has been held up as the right way to do it.

"We had thousands of volunteers belonging to different charities - all ready to go, we just tapped into that.

"Instead of the local authority telling people 'this is what you need to do' everybody worked together.

"When some local authorities put people into hotels, gave them vouchers and left them to cope, #OneSlough saw to it that food was brought to them as they adjusted to new surroundings.

"We took a different approach from the rest of the country."

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At the ceremony Jamie said: “I am truly humbled to have won this award. To see the local authority, businesses, faith groups and the community come together during this crisis has been incredible and it is this, that I hope will be the legacy left in Slough; our ability to work together, overcome problems and turn them into solutions for the long term.”

Paul Britten, Chief Executive at Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce said: “Congratulations Jamie, a nomination that was stand out!”