AFTER months of closure – Slough Ice Arena has announced it’s reopening the rink and gym on August 24.

 This follows government’s announcement that ice rinks can reopen from August 15 (Saturday) as lockdown continues to ease.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson previously said rinks – alongside other leisure activities – can reopen on August 1 – but was forced to postpone this decision due to a rise in coronavirus cases.

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In a post, a spokesperson from Slough Ice Arena stated: “The safety of our customers and colleagues is our number one priority, therefore we’ve had to adapt the operation of our rink and gym in light of the current situation.

“This includes introducing a booking system, which will require both gym and skating customers to book a session prior to attending, this is so we can manage the number of people in these areas at one time. The booking system is not currently live, but as soon as it is, we will communicate this out.”

Once this ‘booking system’ is live, users can book a session using the Everyone Active app – which can be found here:

A change in layout and operations have been introduced to ensure social distancing measures can be maintained.

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These measures include implementing one-way systems (where possible), adding hand sanitisers and cleaning facilities in various locations, increase in cleaning of the centre, and asking users to arrive changed and ready to play.

Anyone who is feeling ill or showing coronavirus-esque symptoms are urged not to go to the arena and added anyone not adhering to the new rules will be asked to leave.

The centre will also be looking at ways to bring back its skate programme and is currently looking on a timescale for lessons to resume.