The State Apartments at Windsor Castle have reopened after their annual 'high clean'.

During the three week closure period every January staff refresh the display of works of art on view from the Royal Collection.

Works that visitors will be able to view now the apartments are reopened include Sir Peter Lely's warm family portrait of King James II and his little daughters Mary and Anne.

It was a family that was to be torn apart by religious differences, when James was ejected from the throne because of his Catholicism and both Mary and Anne went on to take the throne after disowning him.

Also on display are images of Charles II as a young Prince of Wales, alongside two other monarchs in adolescence Edward VI and Elizabeth 1.

Edward never survived his adolescence, while his sister Elizabeth went on to reign for 45 years and become one of the country's greatest rulers.

A portrait of the great painter Sir Anthony Van Dyck can be viewed next to one of his own greatest works - the triple portrait of Charles I.

Pictures courtesy of the Royal Collection Trusr copywright Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2020