Wedding fever erupted during rehearsals for Windsor Theatre Guild's forthcoming production of Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility.

The production climaxes with two weddings attended by all the major characters in the story - and of course there has to be confetti.

But the show is running all next week at the Old Court Art Centre in St Leonard's Road, Windsor and the mountains of graffiti will need clearing up after each performance.

Last week came the time to discover exactly how long it would take.

So after the scene had been rehearsed the show's director Karen Hanley and stage manager Kathryn Harris joined the cast in frantically gathering it all up. They found it could all be done in a nifty five minutes.

The show will take audiences back to a time in the early 19th century when a man's property automatically passed to his son, which sees the three newly bereaved Dashwood sisters Elinor, Marianne and Margaret thrown out of the home they share with their mother - as their pathetic half-brother and his dragon of a wife take possession.

But help comes from an unexpected source and romance is just around the corner, although there is a painful lesson in store about human deceitfulness awaiting one sister.

You can see Sense and Sensibility at the Old Court from Tuesday, April 9 until Saturday, April 13.

Tickets are £14 from 01753 864928, www, or from Windsor Information Centre.